Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleepless in bombay

Its 2 30 am and i feel a lil strange. i am not the kind who finds himself turning and twisting in bed, when all signs indicate that i should be fast asleep. that of course under the implication that one who turns and twists in bed, is not in fact fast asleep! what can i do now is the most popluar thought in circumstances such as this? i went through my mobile there anyone i would like to call? finally after debating over who to call..., anyone who thinks the debate it self would be stimulus enough to bring sleep, hasnt really spent a night so completely distanced from sleep, i decide to just read my cells inbox. so thus...i start reading through 450 odd messages!

i always wanted to delete those messages, but a certain happiness filled me, that they were there, with happiness, some hope, that reading messages in the dark would be the soporific medium i was wishing for! like they say -it wasnt meant to be!

MUSIC!!! thats what will put me to sleep, nice soothing music. i got out of bed, and hunted for my iPod. made a playlist of the songs that i figured would be lullaby like. which they were, i assure you, the fact that i was still awake is no fault of the songs. they could put some who awake after a marathon sleep, into a doze. having failed in this attempt, my mind was figuring new ways to get sleep.i share with you a secre
t, thinking of new ideas to find sleep is not way to get sleep.

Fine...i said to my self...i have a viva tomorrow...i'll study for that! super idea that was...i decided, anyway i would be getting up early, better if i used my time well now and then i can get up late in the morning, which was inevitable. enthusiastically i tossed aside my blanket and turned on the lights and found my book. i opened it to the chapter, and found my self no different from what i do in the day! forgive me...i dont think there is word but i was nightdreaming. still thinking, if i could find sleep.

i tried, drinking water, going to the loo, (which remains unconnected with the drinki
ng water part), turned on the comp, decided to blog. after writing some my account to a certain point in time, i lean back to stretch my arms, and think of a suitable way to end this. my dilemma i am sure you all will appreciate, how does one end a story about trying to get sleep, especially when he hasn't slept yet! thus i begin to find ways NOT, to sleep...BUT to relate how i slept.
within minutes i hear someone calling out to me!? Oo? at such a late hour?
it was 5 hours from the time i started this blog, i had dozed off in front of the laptop thinking of a way to sleep! well...atleast i managed to get sleep! (next time i'll just think about telling people how i slept ;)


Unknown said...

hmmmmm.....i wonder why sleep has evolved in the first place....i mean it puts the animal in great to predators in an unconscious state with no inkling that its gonna be prey in a few moments......

i also wonder how u didnt try and count sheep which is an age old way to sleep.....

but what i wonder most is that after all this tera viva kaisa gaya then??? :-)

Nikhil said...

haha...i guess thats why when those great big bears HIBERNATE...they go to untraceable places! when they sleep, i dont think they are out cold!

viva? was ok. not all screwed up!