Friday, May 30, 2008

Lin-ux perience

Its 2:16 in the morning, and i am sitting at my comp -most of my entires start of like this...i think i should find a new way to say it;

Tonight, my most recent want has been taken care of. i have been looking forward to using Linux for many years now, and when i got a comp of my own, i decided to give it a shot. So asked a friend(BOOTSTRAP BILL) to download Fedora 9 for me.
its a 3.38 Gigs file, and he had the means to do it in good time. Major thanks to him is on record here.
Before going any further i should tell u THIS IS NOT A GUIDE TO INSTALLING FEDORA.
First after a mad search ,trying endlessly to figure out if my system architecture is i386 or i686 or x86_64, i figured mine was x86_64.
for those who are not sure,
Most systems are i386. that is if u are not using a MAC. a MAC or macintosh has an architecture called PowerPC, or PPC.
Intel Core2 Duo is an x86_64 architecture.
all those pentium 4, 3....etc are i386.

anyway, after having figured that out(i add that wikipedia is the source of all knowldge), i downloaded a torrent file.
a torrent file is used when we do not download directly but from a number of peers who are downloading the same file.

sat down to install it this evening, things weren't exactly how i wanted them to be, ran in to absurd errors that claimed that a corrupt file was downloaded. but all the same, stuff started rolling.
Now i did not know that linux uses 3 seperate partitions.
one is the 'root' the notation is '/' - that is the ROOT directory, where everything is supposed to begin.
it also needs something called a 'swap' partition. when frequently accessed files are present, they are placed in the swap partition. they say the larger the swap the better it is. and the third is '/boot' this is required to store the boot information. and well, the installation is good enough to do this for you, but what kind of a comp science student would i be if i didn't notice all this.

after the installation was done, as if i didn't run into enough problems during the installation, my Windows refused to boot. apparently, i had messed up my boot file.
soon enough i managed to fix that, and now can use both vista and Fedora properly.
Fedora is new to me, and as all new things are- novel to the mind, it is novel, and interesting.
I hope i can figure this out and manage to gain "Extensive knowledge and experience"
All the best to me!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ugg...M sick of it

Today was wonderful. I feel sick. :( i know all of u know how lousy it is to fall sick, but i'll tell you my view on it anyway.they do say, share your sorrow, it'll become less--so here SHARE WITH ME;
To start things off, there's this nauseating feeling, associated with severe distention(thats what a balloon is when u fill it up) they co-exist within the same body i'll never figure out. you cant do much, all you really do is lie around going...uhhhh....m not feeling gets u the attention just like the squeaking hinge.

you cant eat anything nice, but thats not that bad part, coz with the nausea u dont feel like eating, the whole though of food is full repulsive.If you have loose bowels then you are all set, make a dash for the closest available loo, and when u are out, and think u can finally rest that aching back, owing to the fatigue and lack of food intake, and u have to run back to that same available loo.

the nights are the worst...u keep twisting and turning in your bed, and then you're so groggy and u still want to visit your new favorite place in the world, so you are like a person far from sobriety reaching for the lights; and thats if u are lucky to have the time to reach for the lights. Otherwise u're just running hell for leather for the aforementioned place.

but given time and medication(fully supervised) things get better. m now feeling better though, therefore this post :D so its just a matter of time till u are able to recount to others the sorry and kinda disgusting tale to everyone else.

but sometimes some of these are just preludes to more major illnesses. we always hope that we are lucky enough not to be infected by any of those. i recall something my dad said to describe life and illness inducing germs. (i dont remember it verbatim, but its something along the lines of-)
"We walk on a path that is surrounded on both sides by virulent and dangerous bacteria and other illness causing agents, we are lucky if we get through without too many scratches"

i suppose falling sick is part of life as my mum put it, and the best way to deal with any of them is to laugh it away. they do say "Laughter is the best medicine". my sister helps me laugh whenever i am unwell :) i well. so i must get back to my books....I HAVE A FRIGGIN EXAM in 2 days!
i'll leave u with this thought:

"Those people who feel time heals everything, have not sat it out in the doctors waiting room"

-(i dont know who said this)

Saturday, May 24, 2008


In the constant drive for writing blogs, i suppose i forget the whole aim. for a few days now i have been in search for ideas to post a blog. while realization dawns on me (always if u notice...realization dawns on one ...suggesting that before that they were in the dark) that i am writing for myself primarily. the others who read this are reading it for me.
Thank you to my readers.
Just done with my first exams, it was ok-ok. i wasnt ecstatic or anything, a run of the mill paper. i suppose had i studied some more answers i would have done better enough to be ecstatic.
but that approach strikes me as the worst kind of approach possible towards after exam reflection. If we did have a choice among how modes of after exams reflection...this would be the least productive. even in other spheres of life, regret is never something worth holding on to. learning from the past mistakes yes...but i dont think i gave my paper as bad as to have to go through it again.
4 more days for the next exam and i cant even pull myself to get off the net and start. this is the sem i wanted to do really well. i KNOW i am going to regret this kind of management of time where i pretend like i am a millionaire in time. I am sure its happened with you, *snigger* and then finally a dash to the finish line. dash it i say, time should be spent well, and when u must read u must read, when u must write u must infact, write.
i think i have reached what they popularly call a writers block, only it seems ludicrous to suggest i have that since i have hardly ever written much in my entire life. i suppose when u begin to write u begin to develop all the symptoms as well!
till next time, or till the block is removed--Adios Amigos

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Catching up

I am sitting at my lappy, and i have nothing particular to do. keen on finding something to do...i begin hunting for sidebar applications. these are small apps that go on to something called the sidebar in windows vista( yea baby...VISTA!!! WOO HOO) .
searching for cool apps, since i am on the MSN site, i remember that i had a blog going there. that was when i was in the first sem or second sem.
now whenever i look back at myself i tend to believe that i was an ass! in a way its a good thing to have believed that we are better today than we were yesterday. i figured i just had a post or two, so i started reading. turned out i had more than a couple, at least five!! (may not seem much to you full time bloggers... jobless buggers) as i read through them the feeling of a distance from my past self crept in. i swear, i began to wonder when was the time i used to think like this.
its a satisfying feeling to be able to listen to yourself speaking your mind a few years back. the way i spoke about serious on going rallies(youth for equality) or young love.
i think the most amazing thing was when i read myself say,
"i am using blogs like a diary entry, i have never bothered to use a diary cause it involves writing, and that ...u guessed it, is a lot of work. so that even if no one reads this, i will atleast read it yrs from now, (cause i will still have nothing better to do then!) and thats going to be fun."

i find my current boredom ebb away, and make place for immense joy. its like i am traveling back in time, and i know now thanks to documented evidence how i used to think, how i used to function.
the feeling is all this i feel i should have stuck to blogging, at least i woulnt find myself now, not being able to express this joy and ecstatic sense. the name of the blog is idiosyncrasies ... thats exactly what i recall of my time then.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Write of way?

its not everyday that people get epiphanies.Today isnt one of those special days either. i just decided to take up writing as a stronger hobby. when i say hobby, i mean to dedicate some time to this avocation, and when i say stronger i mean spend more time than i do now.

i like to write, i just dont dedicate myself to it. unlike many of my blog buddies, i dont find a lack of topics to write about. i can come up with simply wonderful or strange, depends on your state of mind when u read it, topics and then try to build on them. its just my laze that keeps me from writing.

hopefully with time i will get good at it, (or better...again depends on your state of mind when u read it) .
Wish me luck again!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleepless in bombay

Its 2 30 am and i feel a lil strange. i am not the kind who finds himself turning and twisting in bed, when all signs indicate that i should be fast asleep. that of course under the implication that one who turns and twists in bed, is not in fact fast asleep! what can i do now is the most popluar thought in circumstances such as this? i went through my mobile there anyone i would like to call? finally after debating over who to call..., anyone who thinks the debate it self would be stimulus enough to bring sleep, hasnt really spent a night so completely distanced from sleep, i decide to just read my cells inbox. so thus...i start reading through 450 odd messages!

i always wanted to delete those messages, but a certain happiness filled me, that they were there, with happiness, some hope, that reading messages in the dark would be the soporific medium i was wishing for! like they say -it wasnt meant to be!

MUSIC!!! thats what will put me to sleep, nice soothing music. i got out of bed, and hunted for my iPod. made a playlist of the songs that i figured would be lullaby like. which they were, i assure you, the fact that i was still awake is no fault of the songs. they could put some who awake after a marathon sleep, into a doze. having failed in this attempt, my mind was figuring new ways to get sleep.i share with you a secre
t, thinking of new ideas to find sleep is not way to get sleep.

Fine...i said to my self...i have a viva tomorrow...i'll study for that! super idea that was...i decided, anyway i would be getting up early, better if i used my time well now and then i can get up late in the morning, which was inevitable. enthusiastically i tossed aside my blanket and turned on the lights and found my book. i opened it to the chapter, and found my self no different from what i do in the day! forgive me...i dont think there is word but i was nightdreaming. still thinking, if i could find sleep.

i tried, drinking water, going to the loo, (which remains unconnected with the drinki
ng water part), turned on the comp, decided to blog. after writing some my account to a certain point in time, i lean back to stretch my arms, and think of a suitable way to end this. my dilemma i am sure you all will appreciate, how does one end a story about trying to get sleep, especially when he hasn't slept yet! thus i begin to find ways NOT, to sleep...BUT to relate how i slept.
within minutes i hear someone calling out to me!? Oo? at such a late hour?
it was 5 hours from the time i started this blog, i had dozed off in front of the laptop thinking of a way to sleep! well...atleast i managed to get sleep! (next time i'll just think about telling people how i slept ;)

Friday, May 02, 2008

Man Vs Woman!

I am sitting at home, and watching Star Movies.A movie called The Namesake is on. what the movie is about isnt really even close to what the central idea of this post is. the scene is where the son of the just deceased man is performing the final rites. it occurs to me that the son is always the one chosen to carry on the family legacy.
whether its the family name, or inheriting the family business. its always the son who must carry on the family's ....everything...even the last name.

what comes to me next is that thats NOT the way it was intended! if you actually take notice, God wanted it to be the LADY to take on the family legacy. Which sex is it who is given the power to give birth? who is the kid attached to naturally? i am sure you have heard....."its the hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world".

even for every mating season among animals(or man) the man spends the time attracting the female, and very rarely the other way around! so really the way of the world is for the females to be WAY WAY superior to man. she should carry on the family legacy! the current situation where the male takes on the legacy is all set up by the human man. ...i think we should just abscond, before the women figure it all out and overthrow us! :D