Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Simple Cheese Sandwich

During exam time, when you are practically on house arrest(by choice of course) our Satiety Center in the brain refuses to comply with space in the stomach. Every 5 minutes, i find myself wanting to go around hunting for grub. The following experience is not lifted from Ghajini or Memento, and i do not have anterograde  amnesia, i hit the refrigerator, looking for the left overs from breakfast, i find nothing, so return to my books. Beside my books i find a plate with what was the leftovers from breakfast. I wonder hmmm...perhaps i did eat it some time back. That done....with food on my mind, i cant concentrate on my books can i? so i make a beeline to the kitchen cupboards. And to cut the disappointing story short...Old Mother Hubbard just moved down a notch. 
Grumbling i come back, I don't want to make Maggi or anything, nor do i want to ask my folks to cook  something for me. I come back to my books, and resume my session of study+ reverie. i recall seeing bread in my fridge, and some cheese. Now then.... :)

Swiftly i swing into action...2 slices of bread, one slice of Britannia Cheese, slam them together, put it on a place, and shove in the Microwave!!!

Voila!!!! There it is...the solution to my- perennial, and probably harmful in the long run- desire to be fed!!!
The cheese melting down the side, just the right consistency, and the flavor blending in with the bread perfectly. Couldn't ask for more i think....and head back with the plate to my books....
I read with maximum attention on my sandwich. Savoring each morsel. And before i know it....its gone.
One more i think...but i manage to control an old Malayalam story says (loosely translated)...if i eat the first one today, and the second one also today....then what about tomorrow? 
So thats my story, of the simple cheese sandwich. Lovers of cheese rejoice.....this is one for the books!