Friday, May 02, 2008

Man Vs Woman!

I am sitting at home, and watching Star Movies.A movie called The Namesake is on. what the movie is about isnt really even close to what the central idea of this post is. the scene is where the son of the just deceased man is performing the final rites. it occurs to me that the son is always the one chosen to carry on the family legacy.
whether its the family name, or inheriting the family business. its always the son who must carry on the family's ....everything...even the last name.

what comes to me next is that thats NOT the way it was intended! if you actually take notice, God wanted it to be the LADY to take on the family legacy. Which sex is it who is given the power to give birth? who is the kid attached to naturally? i am sure you have heard....."its the hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world".

even for every mating season among animals(or man) the man spends the time attracting the female, and very rarely the other way around! so really the way of the world is for the females to be WAY WAY superior to man. she should carry on the family legacy! the current situation where the male takes on the legacy is all set up by the human man. ...i think we should just abscond, before the women figure it all out and overthrow us! :D

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