Friday, February 06, 2009


You know how our parents or other forms of wise elders always tell us, keep at it, you will improve with time, and we feel one of two things...either that we are good at it already, or improvement will never come. Well, i have reason enough to believe it. 

I was reading my posts of 2006, i was then a sophomore, new to college activities primarily because we werent allowed anything in our first year. My head full of idealism, and thus poured into my posts. While they were not bad, the writing i'll admit was a little childish.It tended to ramble, and go onto tangents and make different points. it seemed like random thougts being noted. Also i think there was obsession to use big words which were unnecessary. 

 Today i am Editor in Chief of my college magazine, and its my job to make sure people can understand without shadow of doubt what another persons article says. It is a need that I be articulate and consice. 

I believe i am more so now than i was before.  


Akshay said...

i am sure this article can be better. :)...keep at it...

Nikhil said...

tee hee hee.....true, there is always room for improvement!

NN said...

Evolving with Time; that is a good index of continuing wisdom. You are doing fine. Anything can be improved beyond what it already is and that is true of even Nobel-Prize winning work.

What can be done however in articles we put out in the public domain is a bit of careful final preview reading to identify those little typos that may, if inadvertently overlooked, seem awkward to an epicurean in matters of English spelling and syntax. "Consice" for instance. Careful preview reading would have noticed that the 's' and 'c' were switched. :)

Keep writing: your posts are clearly thought-provoking and eminently readable.