Saturday, September 20, 2008


I have a few articles written for me to share with you tonight, but i feel like writing something. I don't mean something with a point or purpose, just random musings. Please bear with.
I was intrigued by a movie called Sex and the city that i saw on keshav's LAN network. So i brought it home with me. This movie was made after its sitcom version became as popular as a sardar joke in India. I had never seen the show, only heard of its success and fame. Partly curiosity to see what all the hulla was about, and to see if it was in fact true to its name.
I skipped through the movie to make a quick estimation of the story line. As i went through it, i found a scene where the female protagonist was making wedding plans. On the next leap i made by fast forward i found the scene that where the groom had some doubts, and had been a no show at the alter. To which the bride was reacting violently in public. As he reaches to her to explain that he had a weak moment, and was alright now, she turns her back to him and clings on to her friend. What ensues is the height of melodrama! The friend makes such a wild and shocking cry refusing to allow the groom to come close to the bride.with so much invectiveness in expression she cast on him as they moved away. This is an over-reaction beyond all things. True I cannot contemplate and even begin to understand the embarrassment that might be caused to a bride when the groom decides to be absent at the alter, but surely some discretion is necessary when reacting in public.
The motto that this sends out is that there is this kind of female power to be proud of. I see my female friends who would have felt satisfied at seeing this kind of display of standing up for a friend.That anything goes if it is in the name of protection of femininity.
There are two things here: picking up Americanisms and following women empowerment and equality with fanaticism like ideals. The Americans portrayed in their serials and movies are always overly melodramatic. They tend to push things way out of proportion. They over react, shout, yell, throw things and do everything short gnawing each others eyes out. People some how like to follow this. They think this is the cool thing to do. And as a result, girls will react badly to anything on the road, scream, yell, and walk off in fits of rage. This they do with no qualms because they think its the way to conduct themselves.
And the womens' movement fanatics, need to really think about what they are asking. They may not all be maniacs, but if they must fight, it should be to make all women equal to each other. There are some who throw a tantrum if they are denied attention, there are some are not being given a job because shes a she.


Siddharth a.k.a. Plasmabhai said...

seems to me to be a case of misplaced priorities or maybe misdirected energies..... i feel that (some) women have an inherent tendency to be this way....not all mind u and thank god for that.... these kinda serials and movies...absolute no brainers to say the least, will only result in more esily impressionable females to conduct themselves this way.....
I majorly thank the all-mighty that all women are not this way!!! phew!!

Unknown said...

actually, feminists hate each other than they hate men. so as long as they come in pairs, we are kinda safe. :)