Sunday, July 27, 2008

We venerate loyalty- to our schools, employers, institutions, friends-as a virtue. Loyalty, however, can be at least as detrimental an influence as it can be a beneficial one.

Loyalty by its definition is complete faith in someone or in some cause. By this definition alone we cannot understand the detrimental side of loyalty. In its simplest form, it is observed as a virtue that reassures us that amidst the vices of man, there is some good. In most things that bring immediate good, we tend to not look for the harm that it could cause in extreme cases. Thus we always tend to ignore the detrimental aspect to it. It is possible to discern the detrimental side to it if we look at loyalty in its extremes. 
The serious leeward side of loyalty is the blindness it brings. A complete lack of cognitive behaviour because of peoples near fanatical loyalty to a faith, are the causes of destruction and devastation today. A more relevant example is not available to confirm the veracity in the fallibility of blind faith. It is a characteristic of terrorism. The fanaticism and insane loyalty to a cause, where they pledge allegiance to their faith, and see it fit for numerous atrocities to be committed.  All attacks on humanity or prevailing harmony, which are globally condemned, are all acts conducted by such intense loyalty to a cause. This loyalty leads one to ignore all reason and then perform dastardly acts.
Intense loyalty is not only harmful to others, it can very often be, in fact more often be harm to ones-self. When it comes to loyalty to God for example, it brings with it blindness; a kind of fanaticism again but which harms the self.  When among the religious, become ill, if they believe that god or his miracles will alleviate them from their disease, and wait for another miracle they are doomed. People are believed to have refused medical attention to treat their cancer, because they believe that God is the one who put in a cancer, he is the one who will remove it.
These are the more severe effects of loyalty which make it as detrimental at least as much as it is beneficial  As it is so with everything, it is so with loyalty as well, in its excess it is extremely harmful.  Everything must be reasoned out. Even loyalty as godly as it maybe, sometimes has its shortcomings.


Anonymous said...

Very true..Extremes in any case tends to be more or less harmful.Its over us to decide where to draw the line and when..

Siddharth a.k.a. Plasmabhai said...

damn right u are....i read a blog on similar lines recently.... this loyalty to whatever in the extreme is charachteristic of people....heres the link to that blog....apna very own kamlesh's blog....

Anonymous said...

religious loyalties are based on principles...principles are never wrong...or atleast we are made to believe to not question them....
by completely following the principles we shall stay on the right track...its only when we diverge from it that things mess up...

Nikhil said...

@ Vivek: Why are principles never wrong? and whose principles are you going to put your faith in?

Anonymous said...

the principles i am referring to are those principles that the religions suggest...
they were not built overnite na...these principles have been made up from years f observation of human behaviour to various situations....
we are all smart enough to question them and find loop holes in them to say its wrong...but if u believe in them and see it in the way they are to be seen they do help us lead a life..."correctly" as seen by all humans..

Nikhil said...

@vivek: correct for one human is not correct for another. as per your suggestions, there are then absolutes, people might be right in their own way in different situations, there is no such definitive and universal "correct way " of life. there is no situation in which u will unanimously get an approbation for any decision that you may make. in which confidence do u declare "seen 'correctly' by all humans"

Prijila said...

religious loyalities alongwith ignorance is quite dangerous!!!and add politics to it is super dangerous!!!
it is sad that such things exist even today!

Anshul said...

extreme loyality for anything or anyone could be harmful, have greater loyality wrt your conscience!