Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Science goes out the window!

"...ignorance and fanaticism are forever hungry, it needs feeding..."
- Henry Drummand(character) Inherit the Wind(1998)

"Miracle Water" the headline said, and millions flocked to taste it. Once again we proved to the world how ignorant a large majority of our countrymen are.

This is how the story goes, some person went to the water body in question, and drank it to find the water "sweet". now thats his own choice of words. Sure enough, sea water is supposed to be salty...so this ignoramus spread the word. What is naturally salty is now SWEET!!!! "what could it be..hmmm.... GOD HAS MADE IS SWEET" how bout that as his thought process? whats worse millions think the same way.

What state is the science in this land, where any unexplained phenomenon is automatically claimed to be the work of god? In the day of the Rajahs i can understand, lack of sufficient knowledge, and backing of science. Similarly, i would not have been surprised if this had happened in Bihar either, but in the city which is home to places like the BARC and other advanced sciences facilities? Its a shame.

All we now need is some paranoid fellow to say that his problems are cured because he drank this water...Then is when the problems start to flow in. People from all over the country are going to want in, depsite all the advertizing of the fact that its unhealthy, and the over crowded city will just keep filling. whats a worse case scenario, the people predomintently in that area, will claim that its their religion and that no other religion should be allowed. ladies and gentlemen, another ayodhya issue, and over what?, sewage water.

Thats rather far into the future, or maybe not , eitherway, presently i hope the hospitals are readying themselves for truck loads of people who come in to get them selves treatment for the bacteria that infests them, and for those who are immune resulting of flithy living, should get their heads checked, and may be get into a course for science.


Amar said...

The thing is like this :-
The govt was all of a twitter while opposing the people who were drinkin da sweet water .
but the thing holding them bak frm strict action might have been that the population involved was the really down trodden muslim part .
so an offensive stad was outta da question .we people know the tenderness of da subject .
and as it is . our society is a large BELIVER of miracles , god bless us ( that was purely literary ) . so people believe in a lotta stuff wich is many a times crap shown up their arses by some people who call themselves the practitioners of religion .

Nikhil said...

thats true, but i am sure the whole world is laughing its arses off...altho a UK paper did openly say that they saw ganpati drinking milk.

Amar said...

Aaaah !
Another one of oour many misconceptions !!!
There is no possibility that something of the sort can occur .
I mean seriuosly !
Idols drinking milk !!!
So that's wot god is upto these days ?

Nikhil said...

nothing more that gettin fat i'd say...or maybe making cheese.

Unknown said...

This article made me pik up last issue of our coll's mag and make changes to my article. Somebody had told me it lacked a few concrete facts. Thanks for providing them:P
As for the issue at hand....whats new?

Directionless Wanderer said...

hey dude! since I am responding pretty late, I hav the advantage of knowing what happened or didnt happen .... in this case, the fear that u xpress of a rush to the fountain/sea of life turned out to be wrong .... everythin was forgotten n forgiven in a matter of a coupla days ....

having said that, I agree with u that this country makes a mockery out of people when it comes to faith! man! its certainly not rocket science to understand that such 'miracles' are not beyond the realm of science & that there exists some underlying explanation for all of it .... inspite of all the chest-beating about India's IT success, it seems that we still are a nation of snake charmers for the time being!